Immortal Beings
The Gods
Every aspect of life has been deified, meaning there are thousands of "gods". The common peasant doesn't pray to just one god, but to each one relevant to their life. A farmer may pray to Harvest to for a good crop, to the Storm for rain, or to Life that his wife might be cured of a sickness.
Some gods have enough adherents that they become personified, which are considered to have their own names and personality, and have a visual representation when they appear to their worshipers and clerics in dreams and omens. Most clerics serve the will of these gods, as unpersonified gods are typically not capable of anything more than very minor miracles. Likewise, angels and other servants are also only associated with personified gods.
Personified Gods
The most well known personifications are listed here:
Name | Aspect / Suggested Domains | Description |
Cyrus | Harvest Life, Nature |
A man with the head of a horse or an ox |
Death | Death Grave |
A corpse or skeleton in black robes |
Dyzphine | Secrets Trickery |
A cowled figure with no face or a face with no detail |
Emil | Trade Trickery |
A fat grinning man with two large bags |
Dodis | Storm Tempest |
A bearded man with a metal staff or spear |
Feros | Justice Order, War |
An mustachioed man holding a scale |
Kardia | Tranquility Peace |
A young girl holding a flower |
Lavona | Life | A woman in a plain white dress, sometimes with a nest with bird's eggs atop her head |
Merrimus | Revelry Life |
A fat man or woman sitting on a cask of alcohol |
Norlas | Light | An glowing featureless figure |
Oghma | Knowledge | A bearded old man with spectacles |
Riella | Sea Tempest |
A woman with a blue dress like the sea |
Pebdite | Crafting Forge |
A bald muscular man with an enormous hammer |
Talos | War | A suit of armor, with a varying weapons instead of hands, often an axe or a sword |
The Watcher | Twilight | A hooded and cloaked man with his sword buried in the ground, frequently depicted in high places facing towards the east |
Wodea | Nature | A man or a woman with antlers or horns sprouting from their head |
Yrena | Magic Arcana |
A woman in a flowing dress of many changing colors |
There are often variations in how gods appear in dreams and omens, and to non-humans, they might simply appear as their race instead. In other cases they are completely different, sometimes even concerning an aspect that is not personified in another culture.
Devils and Demons
From a certain persepective, both Devils and Demons are just fiends. However, the self styled demon princes seek to impose their will upon all fiends. These demon princes and their servents are what are referred to as devils, and unaligned fiends are just called demons. All fiends are primarily limited to the Abyss, which is the "downward most" orientated plane.
Demon Princes
There are at least 9 demon princes, with the following known:
- Nephmeros, Lord of Destruction
- Ragdramus, The Ox King
- Kalrurad, The Toad King
- Muzgan, The Sword
- Beelzebub, Lord of Lies
- Orcus, Lord of Undeath
- Mammon, Lord of Greed
There are hundreds of fey courts scattered in the hidden places. They typically have two main alignments which are Summer or Winter, and Day or Night. There are also intermediate alignments, Fall and Spring, and Dusk and Dawn.
The two most prominent archfey are Mab, the Queen of Night and Magic who is aligned with Winter's Night, and Titania, the Queen of Summer and the Briar, who is aligned with Summer's Day.
The Old Ones
Here in Xiemia and the surrounding nations, day and night passes as normal. But travelers from the east speak of a wall of darkness, and beyond it, eldritch horrors where there is no day, not even night, just a dark unseeing unknowing space. The Old Ones were out there before the gods, before time itself. They have no names, and can neither be comprehended nor can they comprehend. Some warlocks have made pacts with these entities, and it is only time before their ill gotten power drives them insane.